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How to Use

  1. 1

    (Optionally) Create a Roster

    You can set the roster from the top right corner but it is not required. On a boss page, set the toggle to `Roster Mode` to activate it.
  2. 2

    Select Boss and Add Players

    In the top left corner, select the encounter and add the players who will be participating in the fight.
  3. 3

    Choose and Arrange Abilities

    Click the column to select the abilities and drag them into the desired position.
  4. 4

    Generate MRT Note

    Once everything is set up, generate your MRT Note and import into the game. You can download the Method Raid Tools addon from CurseForge.


  • Your roster and all your player layouts will be saved in your browser's local storage.
  • You can rearrange abilities by dragging and dropping them (this also works for columns).
  • The columns as well as the note generation will perform validation to ensure that the configuration is valid.
  • Free mode is useful for testing as well as generating personal notes. You can also toggle between them to mix and match.
Site LogoRaid Cooldowns - The War Within(11.0.2)